English version
The Aims of F.E.I. are:
- To promote and keep living the Italian traditional herbalistic culture;
- To represent and safeguard the social, moral and economic interests of the industrialistic and professional subjects, who operate in the italian herbalistic trade, to any public or private system;
- To support, foster and organize, even with the collaboration of Italian and/or foreign Institutions and Organizations, the professional training and adjournement;
- To facilitate the relationship among members for the study and the solutions of the problems of common interest;
- To estimate and solve legislative, organization, social and economic problems;
- To assist and represent the members in the stipulation of general integrative contracts and the promotion of any other economic or financial agreement;
- To appoint its own representatives or delegates in Organizations, systems or Committees, when such a representation is required or admitted;
- To promote and foster services and assets, under any legal form, directly or indirectly, of services to the partner firms;
How to become members:
You become member with F.E.I. and have the right to get the badge with the registered logo “Herbalist” and the two-monthly publication “Phyto-Journal”, if you directly agree to F.E.I. or through the provincial or regional association of F.E.I., where founded.
Members are divided into:
- Regular members
- Adherent members
- Honorary members
Regular members are represented by the operators, who work as herbalists in herbalist’s shops, own the diploma of herbalist, law n. 99, 6/1/31 or equivalent title in conformity with statue.
Adherent members are represented by Organizations and Institutions, that propose similar aims and in harmony with the ones of F.E.I..
Honorary members are represented by persons, Organizations and Institutions, that particularly distinguished themselves in the herbalistic system
Why to join:
- Because F.E.I. has schooled in Italy with its own way of seeing the Herbalist’s figure and professional limits.
- Because F.E.I. has always defended with facts the Herbalist’s work and professional figure, even in case of charges from NAS or sanitary authorities, offering qualified collaboration and the necessary material to defend the Herbalist in the best way.
- Because F.E.I. is working actively to obtain a modern control of the herbalistic system with its own qualifying share in the drawing of the bill.
- Because F.E.I. is one of the promoters of the most important herbalistic initiatives in Italy.
- Because F.E.I. is the association which pledged itself, perhaps more than the others, in the promotion and organization of refresher seminars.
- Because F.E.I. is devising important initiatives that will concern the future of te profession and that will be exclusively reserved to its own members.
- Because F.E.I. has always detected the problems of the category and suggested the most correct strategies to face them.
- Because F.E.I. has got an executive group, endowed with high professionality and specific knowledge, in constant adjournment about everything following the Herbalist profession.
- Because F.E.I. founded O.P.E., Observatory Permanent Herbalist, a system specifically created to control and intervene on every level, in favour of Herbalist, when behaviours, generated by a third party, could determine harm to a quiet course of his profession.
- Because F.E.I. has always stimulated in the Herbalist the awareness of having a class knowledge.
Herbalist, remember:
- that only together we can count more, to make hear loud our voice.
- Join and convince the other colleagues to do the same. Every member can count on a particularly efficient structure, in a position to assist and safeguard him under the commercial, legal and professional outline.
- The approval to a strong and authoritative enterpreneural syndicate, as F.E.I. – Confcommercio, allows to get assistance and advantages deriving from a double action: on one hand you can get the support of the trade-union structures of the territorial association of reference, and of the national structure; on the other hand, Confcommercio, warrants an articulated presence in places where political and administrative decisions are made, that will influence the life and the activity of the firms.
- Characterizing elements of F.E.I.’s activity are the professional qualification of the operators of the herbalistic system and the protection of the consumer, aims that the Herbalists of F.E.I. reach through a constant work of professional adjournment.
- F.E.I.’s commitment is continuous in favouring the approvation of a right law for the Italian Herbalistic profession, to guarantee the whole recognition of the figure of Herbalist and for a clear and unambiguous definition of herbalistic product.
- The national seat in Rome represents the members’ voice to the Government, Parliament, Public Administration in the exclusive interest of its operators.